One of the most important parts of your wedding day look is your bouquet. Your bouquet should match your color scheme as well as the vibe of your wedding. There are so many different types of designs you can go with, from posy to cascading to even a hoop bouquet. We wanted to share some of our favorite bridal bouquets, so you can get inspired and work with your florist to create something amazing.

Rustic Bouquet
We love this rustic and colorful bouquet with white, pink, and peach flowers surrounded by greenery.

Greenery Fall Bouquet
This fall bouquet is nearly all greenery with pops of baby’s breath, and we love how it looks, especially with the bride adding red chrysanthemums and white roses.

Hand-tied Spring Bouquet
This hand-tied bouquet is perfect for a spring wedding with black-eyed Susans, roses, and baby’s breath.

All-white Bouquet
We love an all-white bridal bouquet surrounded by greenery. This bouquet would easily fit in at a winter or spring wedding.

Terracotta Hoop Bouquet
This terracotta hoop bridal bouquet with roses and greenery is perfect for the unique bride who wants something a little different. Hoop bouquets are perfect for boho or more earthy weddings.

Unique Bouquet with Feathers
This unique bouquet has feathers, orange flowers, and unusual greenery, creating a wild look.

Colorful Summer Bouquet
This intensely colorful bouquet is perfect for a summer wedding with its variety of flowers and bright greenery.
Which one is your favorite? Comment below!
Erin Lafond is a blogger with ample experience writing about weddings. She planned her own wedding and got married in October 2019. She lives in New Hampshire and loves a casual wedding with luxury details.
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